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Nite Ize Key Rack 6 colors Camo
Artikelnummer: A07-NI KRK-03-01BG
Speciale militaire uitvoering van de Key Rack. Gedekte Army kleuren. ÂBusiness ÂMilitary & Tactical ÂTravel ÂPackaged with 6 Plastic Size #0 S-Biners  combining the innovation and versatility of the S-Biner to provide unique functionality and access to your keys. ÂTwo Colors Available: Choose a Black Stainless Steel Key Rack with either 6 eye-catching bright colors or 6 tactical colored S-Biner Plastics Size #0 for easy key identification. ÂFeatures a durable stainless steel carabiner clip which allows you to clip the Key Rack to an existing key chain, purse, jacket, strap or other convenient location. - EAN: 0094664022102.
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